Published on June 30, 2010 By a110 In Strategy

hello, i'm very new to this game and i have some basic questions, i am playing advent and vasari so far against normal ai on fast speed; vasari seems better to me but i wish to learn advent more

-how do i switch between top-down and side view

-how do i select all units of the same type

-is it better to build a colonization capital ship to colonize planets and asteroids with, or to build a more combat-oriented capital and use colonization frigates

-what is a good general starting build order

-how fast should i colonize, the ai always seems to beat me to the planets

-which upgrades should i acquire first

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on Aug 01, 2010

k, judging from video there is an impact effect so it must be a bad problem with my game or computer

on Aug 01, 2010

I have a friend who for the longest time never saw the weapon effects of wave cannons (an update changed it)...he tended to build fleets mostly of enforcers and carriers, playing the game with a fleet that never seemed to shoot anything...

on Aug 08, 2010

whats the point of using fleets, i find them troublesome when ships get sorted into fleets that i dont want them to be in

on Aug 08, 2010

I completely agree with you; this is why I don't use fleets.

on Aug 08, 2010

If you create a fleet for each unit type (a LRF fleet, a flak fleet, a carrier fleet, etc) then units will automatically join their respective fleet...this is useful in that you can tell LRF to focus fire on a cap, tell carriers to kite and stay out of the battle, and position garda's around the LRFs or caps that are under fire from enemy's not great, but it does have it's uses...hard to do well though on faster speed in MP...

on Aug 19, 2010

what should be the beginning lab setup for advent

if i build 2 harmoney temples at my homeworld, i need to get another planet (preferably 2) to get 3 hostility temples and i try to save a slot at my homeworld for a trade port later on

ive tried 3 harmonies and no hostility to get the colonization and trade upgrades fast, and ive tried to go three hostility to get illuminators quickly, not sure which is better

ive found that at the 2 hostility level repair bays and defense vessles can be useful but carriers are just too expensive to get so i only research them relatively late in the game

oh and when is a good time to buy weapon/armor/shield upgrades

on Aug 19, 2010

It depends on your nearby planets and your game general though, you really shouldn't rush trade as advent unless you are an eco player, and you are better off not rushing fact, I wouldn't even bother with them until you have at least three planets...

on Aug 20, 2010

My general belief on logistics in the early game is that you do not buy a logistics upgrade.  Build two labs on your homeworld, then wait until you've colonized some planets to build more.  Advent is probably going to want to get two of each operational pretty quickly, but aside from that your priorities are based on your position.

Fast trade isn't necessarily bad, but ensure the enemy is a safe distance away.  For fast trade, I'd build two civic labs on my homeworld.  I'd send a colony frigate to the nearest asteroid and my progenitor (definitely lead progen for discount) to the nearest ice/volcanic.  I'd then scuttle my capital shipyard.  I'd build my third civic lab on the ice/volcanic, then set up a string of three trade ports.  Because you've skimped on logistics upgrades, you can afford your trade sooner and get that income rolling.

on Aug 20, 2010

but when do you rebuild the capital factory to get the second cap?

on Aug 20, 2010

what is the point of microphasing aura? its supposed to teleport any friendly strike craft within the radius to a more advantageous location, but the enemy can just turn around and keep shooting them...?

on Aug 20, 2010

but when do you rebuild the capital factory to get the second cap?

Hate to give you the obvious answer, but it's true:  When you're ready to build the second capital ship.

Generally it's a good idea to scuttle your capital shipyard in two cases.  The first is if the enemy is really far away and you need to use the logistics space, and the second is if the enemy is really close and you need to use the logistics space.  If the enemy is very close, you won't have much time to set up your labs and factories, so freeing up that logistic slot is critical.  If the enemy is very far away, you'll probably want to rebuild the capital shipyard closer to the front lines anyways.


what is the point of microphasing aura? its supposed to teleport any friendly strike craft within the radius to a more advantageous location, but the enemy can just turn around and keep shooting them...?

If you're using hold ground, then yes this is true.  If not, strike craft moving at full speed get a lot of benefit from this, lining up for attacks that would otherwise be impossible to make and evading attacks that would otherwise be impossible to avoid.

Very subtle ability, but definitely not useless.

on Aug 20, 2010

so is it a good idea to get microphasing aura on my second skirantra, while reserving the first one for scramble bombers and repair cloud?

when should i usually build a second capital ship? i find that it's difficult to wait for the resources to accumulate while i am trying to colonize, develop planets, and build frigates and structures

on Aug 29, 2010

which is better to build in the late game, assailants or enforcers

similarly, should i have more overseers or subverters, subverters aoe disable ability is cool but its so expensive to research the prototype and the ability...


the optimized construction upgrade (4%/8% ship and structure cost decrease) does not appear to stack with enslaved labor, i had both levels of labor and getting optimized construction didn't seem to decrease the price of ships

on Aug 29, 2010

when should i usually build a second capital ship? i find that it's difficult to wait for the resources to accumulate while i am trying to colonize, develop planets, and build frigates and structures

Very much so; it's difficult to save up for a second capital ship early on, and it requires some very careful penny-pinching to pull off.  You have to find little scraps of money you can save at every turn, and then push out that capital ship and put it to work immediately.  If you can level it up quickly enough, two capital ships can give you a big advantage in battle, but this is a risky gambit since an enemy who puts that money into economy or fleet can overpower you in the short-term.


which is better to build in the late game, assailants or enforcers

Depends on several factors.  Generally assailants have more firepower (those awesome phase missiles) while enforcers have more durability.  If you can keep bombers out of the picture with the Kortul's jam weapons, then enforcers become very good.  Overall, you won't be disappointed with either unit.


similarly, should i have more overseers or subverters, subverters aoe disable ability is cool but its so expensive to research the prototype and the ability...

Subverters are one of the most awesome units in the game.  They do come very late in the game, and that makes them quite expensive, but they're well worth your time.  As for a precise mix, it really depends on what you're doing.  One is a strictly defensive unit, the other is a strictly offensive unit.  You do want both, but it depends on what kind of flavour you want for your fleet as to which one you prioritize.


the optimized construction upgrade (4%/8% ship and structure cost decrease) does not appear to stack with enslaved labor

Enslaved labour lowers credit cost, optimized construction lowers metal/crystal cost.

This is really only useful if you're trade-spamming and need to buy most of your resources from the black market.  If you're still selling to the black market, don't bother with this tech.

on Aug 29, 2010

speaking of subverters, how would you counter them? this is hypothetical since ive seen the ai use large numbers of subverters but doesnt use distortion field that often, im sure it would have killed me if it did though

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