Published on February 10, 2013 By a110 In Sins Modding

i could be wrong but the ai doesn't seem able or willing to use some things like wail of the sacrificed and the vasari rebels' jumping starbases. is it possible to change this and if so has anyone done it

on Feb 10, 2013

Not really. The only thing the AI knows how to use on enemy gravitywells are superweapons, and I don't think you want to make wail a targeted ability. The other option is to have wail affect only the gravity well it is at (so a super red button).

Jumping Starbases isn't an ability, so there is absolutely nothing we can do to get the AI to use that one.

on Feb 13, 2013

hopefully the devs will fix this in further updates.... but they don't seem too concerned with the AI not using everything...

on Feb 13, 2013

hopefully the devs will fix this in further updates.... but they don't seem too concerned with the AI not using everything...


There may be a very simple reason for the AI not using Wail.


As there is no warning nor a graphical (easy to see at least) effect.... new players would scream and badmouthing the game for "all my ships just dissapeared bug".


You cant have that.

on Feb 14, 2013

would it also be impossible to make it use starbase powers. the lack of meteors and red button is particularly damning


on Feb 14, 2013

would it also be impossible to make it use starbase powers. the lack of meteors and red button is particularly damning

No, all you need to do is give it more starbase slots. It is actually a bit better now but before Rebellion it would never get those abilities because it would always prioritize combat upgrades. It will now occasionally get something else, but if you make starbases have more slots it becomes much more common.