Published on April 10, 2011 By a110 In Sins of a Solar Empire

is there an order to how the players spawn on a randomly constructed map? a lot of the time i want certain allies or enemies in the same system, but i can't seem to predict where they start

on Apr 10, 2011

Completely and totally random.

on Apr 10, 2011

which is occasionally completely annoying.

random map variants, which guarentee 1212121212, or 1111122222, and/or symetric as far as planet types, player starting positions, resource rocks, and militia would end bogus matchs in which one team is totally gimped in starting position.  At least with a symetric map, If a player on one team has a horrible starting position, its a given that another player on the enemy team also has the exact same starting position.

on Apr 10, 2011

It is kinda getting boring how people only play single star random